American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California
Grants Awarded
$500 2024
$55,000 2024
To expand and defend voting rights in California for historically marginalized voters. $55,000.
$55,000 2024
To expand and defend voting rights, expand access to language services, and establish opportunities for voter registration at state agencies. $55,000
$7,000 2023
$75,000 2023
To monitor and enforce compliance with language access requirements, advocate for the expansion of the California Voting Rights Act, and to translate and distribute voter education materials for voters impacted by the criminal justice system. $75,000
$10,000 2016
$50,000 2015
For the Drive California campaign to help undocumented Californians obtain driving licenses. $50,000
$50,000 2014
To co-lead a statewide effort to assist undocumented Californians in obtaining Driver's Licenses. $50,000
$100,000 2011
For collaboration among the three ACLU affiliates in California to advance fairness and civil rights. $100,000