Condemning the Violence
As representatives of nonpartisan philanthropic institutions, serving rural, urban, and suburban communities across the nation, we condemn the violence that broke out at the U.S. Capitol this week. The events in Washington are a stain on our nation’s history and a painful break in the peaceful transition of power that has been a defining hallmark of American democracy for more than 200 years.
The shameful events are the result of actions by President Trump and other political leaders who have recklessly fanned the flames of grievance. Those responsible for this deadly violence and insurrection must be held to account, and we call on Republican leaders, in particular, in government and media to unequivocally reject conspiracy theories and the actions of extremists who use violence. After hard-fought campaigns, extraordinary voter turnout, and the resolution of more than 60 election-related lawsuits, it is long past time for our nation to accept the results of the 2020 election so that our duly elected leaders — President-elect Biden, Vice President-elect Harris and members of the 117th Congress — can move forward with addressing the nation’s pressing challenges.
Our organizations donate hundreds of millions of dollars to charitable causes each year to advance the common good. While we have different funding approaches, vary in our areas of focus, and are ideologically diverse, we share a belief in the importance of finding common ground to solve problems and serve people and communities. And while we may vary in our views on the size and scope of government, we share a belief that safeguarding the health, security, and rights of people and communities requires a government whose leaders can accept the election results, bridge divisions that have roiled our nation, work in good faith to forge solutions, and stand up for democracy.
As the U.S. faces the most dire global health emergency in 100 years, the worst economic crisis in modern history, and a racial reckoning overdue for centuries, it is time to move on from last year’s election, cease further delays in the transition of power, and turn to governance. To our duly elected leaders, we urge you to follow facts and let science lead the way toward solving the COVID-19 crisis. We encourage you to listen to diverse voices — including those of people who have been overlooked, forgotten, and excluded, and who are facing persistent threats to their lives and livelihoods. We call on you to repair our tattered social fabric and help our democracy live up to its ideals. And we stand ready to work with you to move our country forward and increase opportunity for all who call it home.
Signatories (updated on a rolling basis, alphabetical by organizational affiliation)
Judy Belk, President and CEO
The California Wellness Foundation
Timothy J. Maloney, President and CEO
Carol Ann & Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation
Ridgway White, President and CEO
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Ellen Friedman, Executive Director
Compton Foundation
Kathleen P. Enright, President and CEO
Council on Foundations
Nancy Lindborg, President and CEO
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Joe Goldman, President
Democracy Fund
Mike Berkowitz, Executive Director
Democracy Funders Network
Julie Chaiken, Vice President
Donald and Carole Chaiken Foundation
Trent Stamp, CEO
The Eisner Foundation
Cathy Cha, President and CEO
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Nancy Farese, Board Chair
F3 Foundation
Paulette Meyer, President
Faultline Foundation
Darren Walker, President
Ford Foundation
Mark Schlesinger, Managing Trustee
Gaia Fund
Susan Hirsch, Executive Director
Hellman Foundation
Larry Kramer, President
Hewlett Foundation
Melanca Clark, President and CEO
Hudson-Webber Foundation
Dmitri Mehlhorn, Co-founder
Investing in US
Tiffany Lovett, President
Isabel Foundation
Don Howard, President and CEO
The James Irvine Foundation
Sara J Fertman, Director
Jeffrey H. and Shari L. Aronson Family Foundation
John Palfrey, President
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Amy Rabbino, Executive Director
John Pritzker Family Fund
Kim Philbrick McCabe, Executive Director
The Klarman Family Foundation
Aaron Dorfman, President
Marcella Kanfer Rolnick, Board Chair
Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah
Jamie Merisotis, President and CEO
Lumina Foundation
Douglas Bitonti Stewart, Executive Director
Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation
Kate Levin Markel, President
McGregor Fund
Jenny Russell, Executive Director
Merck Family Fund
Kevin Dean, CEO
Momentum Nonprofit Partners
Aaron Dorfman, President and CEO
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Pamela D. Lewis, Executive Director
New Economy Initiative at the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
Jesse Beason, President and CEO
Northwest Health Foundation
Mike Kubzansky, CEO
Omidyar Network
Mark Malloch-Brown, President
Open Society Foundations
Ralph Lewin, Executive Director
Peter E. Haas, Jr. Family Fund
Rachel Pritzker, President
Pritzker Innovation Fund
Sarah Williams, CEO
Paul Di Donato, President and CEO
Proteus Fund
Kathryn Murdoch, President
Quadrivium Foundation
Natasha Dolby, Vice President
The Ray and Dagmar Dolby Family Fund
Jennifer Roller, President
The Raymond John Wean Foundation
Raquel Thueme, President
Ruth Mott Foundation
Susie Sarlo, President
Susie Sarlo Family Fund
Tim Silard, President
Rosenberg Foundation
Chet P Hewitt, President and CEO
Sierra Health Foundation
Nicole Taylor, CEO and President
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Julie Kidd, Executive Director
Silver Giving Foundation
Tonya Allen, President and CEO
The Skillman Foundation
Donald Gips, CEO
Skoll Foundation
Sophie Fanelli, President
Stuart Foundation
Don Chen, President
Surdna Foundation
John Esterle and Pia Infante, Co-Executive Directors
The Whitman Institute
Alan S. Davis, Director
The WhyNot Initiative
Paul Beaudet, Executive
Director Wilburforce Foundation