Celebrating This Historic Moment
Today’s Supreme Court decision on the freedom to marry is a victory for equality—and it is a testament to the incredible things people can accomplish when working together for social change.
Fourteen years ago, when the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund adopted marriage equality as a priority, no U.S. state allowed same-sex couples to marry, and public opinion polls showed that the American people were decisively against it. But today the tide has turned.
Love won today thanks to millions of people standing up and speaking out—and proudly coming out. It is also a credit to the brilliant and determined work of a social movement and its leaders who kept their eyes on the prize and never wavered in their commitment.
On behalf of the staff and directors of the Haas, Jr. Fund, we want to express our appreciation, admiration and congratulations to the leaders, staff and volunteers of the heroic organizations we have been privileged to support as they fought to make this day possible.
Victories like today’s are moments to rejoice, and also to reflect on the work still ahead. So even as we celebrate how far we have come, let’s recommit to the continuing work of ensuring that America lives up to its ideals of equality and justice for all.