Forbes: Four Challenges Nonprofit Organizations Are Facing Today And How To Overcome Them
Check out this story from Forbes on building fundraising capacity and capabilities.
“What is a culture of philanthropy? It’s about shining a spotlight on culture instead of just strategy. You can host all the bake-offs in the world, but your mission likely won’t achieve its full potential if your organization’s culture is underdeveloped.
So, what does a culture of philanthropy look like? According to an Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund paper, one core component of a culture of philanthropy is that there is a shared responsibility for its development. Everyone sees themselves as an integral part of fundraising efforts and is committed to a single vision.
In a culture of philanthropy, where giving is as natural as the air you breathe, fundraising isn’t a chore. It’s a gift, and gifts are given cheerfully. This can help set you up for success because everyone is pitching in.
A culture of philanthropy is also one where donors are valued not just for how much they give but also for the relationships they establish with your organization.”