Talent Justice
This piece was originally published on Learn Philanthropy powered by the Johnson Center for Philanthropy.
On May 29 Fund the People launched a new Talent Justice Initiative that included a launch webinar, report, executive summary, and toolkit. The Talent Justice Initiative is all about helping funders and nonprofits to invest in intersectional racial equity across the nonprofit workforce, and across the career lifecycle. Talent Justice seeks to transform organizational cultures to maximize the access, advancement, and ascension of people of color, women, young people, and other diverse constituencies. The Talent Justice Toolkit released along with the report provides tools and resources to facilitate action on the recommendations highlighted in the report. These resources build on Fund the People’s larger Toolkit. The research gathered and analyzed data from over 1,400 survey responses, three focus groups, 20 interviews, and a literature review.
A few key findings:
- There are differences in perception between funders and nonprofit professionals, and between people of color and white people, on the challenges and opportunities for increasing equity in the nonprofit workforce.
- Funders and nonprofits are making insufficient investments in practices that support workforce equity, particularly at the early-career and mid-career stages.
- When grantmakers wait-and-see if diverse new executive directors are successful before they renew funding, it sets up leaders to fail, rather than equipping them to succeed.
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