Building Broad Alliances for Pro-Immigrant Change
CA Black Freedom Fund Launches Legal Education, Advocacy, and Defense (LEAD) for Racial Justice Initiative
We’re excited to have supported the launch of the California Black Freedom Fund’s LEAD for Racial Justice Initiative alongside other funders and partners. The Legal Education, Advocacy, and Defense (LEAD) for Racial Justice Initiative aims to provide robust and relevant legal education, as well as accessible tools, to nonprofit organizations serving communities of color to help them fully understand the legal landscape and their ability to conduct and invest in vital racial justice work.
Signing on to the All By April Pledge
We signed onto the All By April pledge, a commitment led by the Democracy Fund to get philanthropic resources out the door as soon as possible in the 2024 election year. This efforts will help pro-democracy organizations plan better and provide funds early to educate voters, increase turnout, and strengthen democratic institutions.
Supporting Students in Their College Journey
Lessons From A Successful Nonprofit Merger
Welcoming our New Program Director for Immigrant Rights
The Haas, Jr. Fund is thrilled to welcome Elica Vafaie, who will lead strategies and partnerships to build the power and voice of immigrants to find safety, opportunity, and representation in California and nationwide. She has extensive experience building and managing initiatives and programs focused on advancing justice, equality, and opportunity for immigrants. Most recently, she served as interim executive director with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, San Francisco Bay Area (LCCRSF).
Reflecting on Our Latest Grantee Perception Survey
As we continue to refine our strategies and grantmaking practices, our 2023 Grantee Perception Survey results provide helpful guidance on how we can better partner with our grantees.
USC Center for Inclusive Democracy Briefing Series on Voter Access in California Elections
The Haas, Jr. Fund was proud to partner with the Center for Inclusive Democracy at the University of Southern California to present a six-part legislative briefing series examining elections reform, voter access, voter participation, and equity in California elections. The educational series featured leading experts and focused on underrepresented communities.
Research Reveals the Need to Reduce Barriers to a Bachelor’s Degree in California
Despite a bachelor’s degree being the big equalizer in society, our recently commissioned research shows that significant disparities for Black, Latino, and Native American students persist when it comes to college access and degree completion in California.